Private & Public Cloud

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Getting the Most From Cloud Computing Services

Cloud Computing is one of the most talked about and publicized topics in IT. That’s essentially because, done correctly, a cloud-based, ‘virtualized’ infrastructure has advantages over traditional datacenters in the areas of performance, scalability, and even security. As they develop their strategies for implementing cloud computing services, many organizations are faced with a choice: to go with a private cloud or leverage a public cloud. So what are the differences between the two, and which is right for you?

Public Cloud vs Private Cloud

Generally speaking, a public cloud consists of a service or set of services that are purchased by a business or organization and delivered via the Internet by a third-party provider. These services utilize storage capacity and processor power; such as RAM etc.. that is not owned by the organization itself. Instead, this capacity (in the form of servers and datacenters) can be owned either by the primary vendor (e.g. an online storage/backup company) or by a cloud infrastructure vendor Like Microsoft and AWS.

A private cloud is essentially an extension of an enterprise’s traditional datacenter that is optimized to provide storage capacity and processor power for a variety of functions. “Private” refers more to the fact that this type of platform is a non-shared resource than to any security advantage.